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Caal Airways is Expanding into the Asia-Pacific Region


Caal Airways is an online based virtual airline community of pilots. Caalair is a one of the leading virtual airlines in the European region of the world and we invite you to join our virtual airline. As we are one of the world’s leading virtual airlines, our staff are willing to assist you and to make your virtual airline and flight simulation experience the best possible. We offer our pilots the facilities to communicate with fellow pilots on our TeamSpeak server which is availble when joining. Caalair has a growing online presence on VATSIM. We are a Vatsim Official Training Organization and can trainany pilot wishing to obtain their P1 and P2 Vatsim rating. As Caal Airways Virtual establishes itself within the virtual skies of the flight simulator community, it will be seen that an increasing number of pilots will be proud to fly the “CLOVER” call sign. So don’t delay, join today!. With the ever increasing volume of traffic and a growing pilot base, Caal Airways is proud to announce that it is expanding its flightbase into the Asia-Pacific region with a brand new hub to be opened in Sydney, Australia. It will Continue reading

EuroHarmony Expands Down Under

Building on the success of our existing routes from Singapore across South-East Asia, EuroHarmony is proud to announce a series of brand new routes into and across the rugged and beautiful continent of Australia.

From WSSS we now fly to Cairns with a route via Daru, Papua New Guinea that takes you directly over the Great Barrier Reef. The existing route to Darwin has been extended to take you through the Red Centre of Oz to the legendary outback town of Alice Springs and then on to the bustling metropolis of Sydney.  The third Antipodean route takes you to Shark Bay World Heritage Site, home to a huge variety of marine life, then on to Perth, the capital of Western Australia.  The route continues via Adelaide, the artistic and cosmopolitan capital of South Australia to Hobart in the wilderness island of Tasmania.

So, to quote the locals, get yourself over to Ozzie mate, crack open a Continue reading


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