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EuroHarmony Expands Down Under

Building on the success of our existing routes from Singapore across South-East Asia, EuroHarmony is proud to announce a series of brand new routes into and across the rugged and beautiful continent of Australia.

From WSSS we now fly to Cairns with a route via Daru, Papua New Guinea that takes you directly over the Great Barrier Reef. The existing route to Darwin has been extended to take you through the Red Centre of Oz to the legendary outback town of Alice Springs and then on to the bustling metropolis of Sydney.  The third Antipodean route takes you to Shark Bay World Heritage Site, home to a huge variety of marine life, then on to Perth, the capital of Western Australia.  The route continues via Adelaide, the artistic and cosmopolitan capital of South Australia to Hobart in the wilderness island of Tasmania.

So, to quote the locals, get yourself over to Ozzie mate, crack open a Continue reading


EuroHarmony Expands Eastwards

In a a bold expansion to the east, EuroHarmony VA is basing 8 aircraft at Singapore Changi airport (WSSS) in order to increase choice for our pilots and passengers. Despite the global recession we believe the time is right to bring EHM’s unique character to Southeast Asia and shake up the established carriers! We will now be serving several brand new destinations ranging from Bali to Vietnam and Australia to India as well as major regional centres like Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Manila and Brunei. Turboprops and jets in striking EHM blue will now become a regular sight in the Far East so if you’re interested in a new direction for your flights in a friendly and relaxed VA, click over to


EuroHarmony VA announces late summer fly-in on October 6th

EuroHarmony VA is pleased to announce a late summer fly-in on the IVAO network scheduled for October 6th at 1800 Zulu.

We will be flying from Leipzig EDDP, where the evenings are drawing in, and heading down to Ajaccio LFKJ in the “Isle of Beauty” Corsica, where summer sun still reigns!

All pilots are invited to join us and take part in this relaxing and enjoyable online excursion before winter takes hold of Europe!

Full details of the route plus charts and scenery can be found at


EuroHarmony VA renewed

EuroHarmony VA has been going through a process of change in recent months and now offers even more choices to the discerning FS2004 & FSX pilot! The airline has just released 30 all new EHM Divisions ‘Special Missions’ while its Fleet upgrade to a stylish, modern livery for the 21st century is nearing completion with only two aircraft left in the paint shop Continue reading


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