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Japan Airlines Virtual is celebrating its 10th anniversary of operations from April 1st 2017 onwards. We would like to share this milestone achievement of our virtual airline with our pilots and the wider flight simulation community. Feel Free to join JAL VIRTUAL events. Voice communication will be conducted via our discord server:

Throughout the course of the next few months we will be having 10 different events under the banner “10 YEARS EVENT #X”.  We are open and interested in having a wide variety of events, if you are interested in in collaborating with us in an event, or want to invite JAL VIRTUAL to your event, please send us an email to Continue reading


24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge for Cancer Research Takes Place This Weekend!

The event takes place this weekend!!  Show your support! :)

How many of you out there know someone who currently has Cancer, or has died of Cancer?  I think most of the population has.  Ryan Boulton-Lear with UKVirtual contacted me to see if I was interested in being a sponsor/link partner for the 24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge.  The 24 Hour FlyingCharity Challenge is a Flight Simulation event benefiting Cancer Research UK.  Of course I agreed to be a sponsor and link partner.  I’ve lost friends and relatives including my Father and Brother to Cancer.  If you have a moment, please lend yourself to this event/cause.  It’s a great opportunity to do what you love which is flying virtually, while raising money for a great charity!
Lindle Romero – Owner/Operator

Information from Ryan on the event is below..
“Afternoon all, UK Virtual will be holding a 24 hour flying challenge on November 14-15th from 7AM to 7AM UTC in aid of Cancer Research.  The aim is to fly none stop for 24 hours on a set schedule.  For all the information visit the following page: , and if you are interested in joining then RSVP to the event here :

This event is open to all pilots and VA’s , if you are part of a VA or own a VA that would be interested, please contact me privately so we can get you on the partnership page and co – ordinate with you.



Announcing the 24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge

How many of you out there know someone who currently has Cancer, or has died of Cancer?  I think most of the population has.  Ryan Boulton-Lear with UKVirtual contacted me to see if I was interested in being a sponsor/link partner for the 24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge.  The 24 Hour FlyingCharity Challenge is a Flight Simulation event benefiting Cancer Research UK.  Of course I agreed to be a sponsor and link partner.  I’ve lost friends and relatives including my Father and Brother to Cancer.  If you have a moment, please lend yourself to this event/cause.  It’s a great opportunity to do what you love which is flying virtually, while raising money for a great charity!
Lindle Romero – Owner/Operator

Information from Ryan on the event is below..
“Afternoon all, UK Virtual will be holding a 24 hour flying challenge on November 14-15th from 7AM to 7AM UTC in aid of Cancer Research.  The aim is to fly none stop for 24 hours on a set schedule.  For all the information visit the following page: , and if you are interested in joining then RSVP to the event here :

This event is open to all pilots and VA’s , if you are part of a VA or own a VA that would be interested, please contact me privately so we can get you on the partnership page and co – ordinate with you.



DHL Virtual Cargo Event – Innsbruck Express


Event: Innsbruck Express
Description: Our next event takes us from north of the border to the amazing Innsbruck in Austria. Departures begin at 20:00z and the expected time enroute is 1 hour 45 mins.
Scheduled Date: 05/31/2014
Scheduled Start Time: (GMT) 20:00
Departure Field: EGPH
Arrival Field: LOWI
Company Schedule: 686A

More info:




EuroHarmony VA is pleased to announce that our virtual airline has reached the ripe old age of 13! Our first flight was on 29th April 2001 and we have been offering sim-pilots a wealth of flight choices in a relaxed atmosphere ever since.

To celebrate the VA’s birthday we begin our latest ProPilot Event on 29th April, with a series of 12 flights round the globe to mark 25 years since the entry into service of the Boeing 747-400. Visiting such iconic locations as Hong Kong, Dubai and St Maarten this will be a real treat for all Jumbo pilots. In addition we have created a range of new Missions for our specialist Divisions which will go live in the next few weeks. These include a series of rescue flights, visits to hot and high airfields and a bush flyers outreach tour linked to the 2014 Brazil World Cup. So if you’re looking for new flight ideas, why not join us at where it’s all about choice!

EuroHarmony VA is a Continue reading


DHL Virtual Cargo “Norwegian Night Out” Event


Our Norwegian night out even takes us from Cork (EICK) to scenic Oslo (ENGM)All pilots who attend gain themselves an award for completion of the event.

Scheduled Date:    04/09/2014
Scheduled Start Time: (GMT)    19:30
Departure Field:    EICK
Arrival Field:          ENGM


Canadian Xpress April Fly-In – Concorde


45 years ago, on March 2, 1967 Concorde made its first test flight. It took thousands of hours of testing with 2 prototype models and 7 years to gain type certification of the Concorde.

On April 10th 1976, Air France made its first commercial passenger flight with Concorde. That first flight took passengers from Paris to Rio via the Azores which later changing to Dakar. The stop in the Azores was needed so that Concorde could refuel. The aircraft used an astonishing 2 tons of fuel just to taxi to the runway (2% of its total fuel load) in Paris. Normal operations called for the two inboard engines to be shut down as the aircraft exited the runway after landing, to help save on fuel cost. In 2003 BA and Air France both announced they would stop flying the Concorde after 27 years of service. Lots of reason still float around today as to why it was retired. But truth be told, it was simply due to cost. The Concorde was Continue reading


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