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Caal Airways March Monthly Report

Hi All,
We recorded 66 pireps in March which is a little down on previous months, but this is still respectable and hopefully we will have a few more next month.

Caal Airways opened its latest hub in Dublin, so it would be great if we can attract a few more pilots and a manager for this hub. Anyone interested in the staff position email me at

Va Central was down for most of the month due to server issues, but it is now back up and running and we are in position 102 which is the highest we have ever achieved. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get into the top 100 next month.

I would like some online events to take place in South Africa and USA to help our staff to attract some pilots by getting our VA seen in numbers in these countries. Please post any ideas in the forum.

Thats about it for March so lets keep our VA growing and lets get some pireps recorded and hear the CLOVER callsign in numbers on Vatsim. Continue reading


Caal Airways Virtual Monthly Update for February 2012

Time for my monthly report again. Va central and PHPVMS are still having server problems so I cannot access some information that I would usually include in my report. February saw us welcome a new staff member Rhys Barber as the new Caal Airways Training director.

We secured partnership with VATSAF and are still waiting to hear from VATUSA. I am hopeing that this will encourage new pilots from these regions as they are a little under represented in the VA.

We also became six months old in February a significant milestone and all members should be proud of what we have achieved. I am looking forward to the next six months and the lead up to our birthday. We will be holding a birthday event and the planning for that will be starting soon. Our new callsign CLOVER is working well on Vatsim and the controllers are now starting to associate NIR with CLOVER in which is great news. Still add it in your remarks of your flight plan though as this helps controllers who are not familiar with us.

The USA operations manager is still looking for a hub Continue reading


Caal Airways Virtual Monthly Update for December 2011

What a great month December was.  We logged a total of 121 pireps which is 23 up on last month. Our VA Central Rank jumped 7 places to 107.

Mikes tour in USA was a great success and Jacks tour In south America looks like being a great tour.  We are still short of a Los Angeles Hub Manager.  All applications will be considered and should be sent to

I myself qualified as a ground controller on Vatsim in the Scottish RTS which covers Aldergrove.  I would love to get an online event up and running to put Caal Air on the Vatsim Map.  We have now been granted official partnership with Vatsim.

My last suggestion for a voice callsign was redhand, but unfortunately this callsign is used by the military so we need a new callsign.  Any ideas will be considered.

I hope that 2012 brings Caal Air forward as a top VA and I would also like to thank everyone for Continue reading


Caal Airways Virtual Monthly Update for November

November was a good month and the VA is now 3 months old. Pireps were slightly down with a total of 98 which is 6 down on last month but is still a great achievement. We stayed in and around the same rank on VA Central finishing the month at 114.

December’s tour is in the USA and is hosted by Mike Bow. It looks like a very interesting tour and should be alot of fun.

Looking at the VA forums most VA’s that fail usually fail in and   around month 4 – 6 so I would ask you all to fly as much as possible to keep our VA alive. Mumbai hub was closed and Johannesburg was opened. I wish Liam our hub manager at Johannesburg the best of luck
with his hub.

Our a320′s were also released and the managers will be allocating them to Continue reading


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