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24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge for Cancer Research Takes Place This Weekend!

The event takes place this weekend!!  Show your support! :)

How many of you out there know someone who currently has Cancer, or has died of Cancer?  I think most of the population has.  Ryan Boulton-Lear with UKVirtual contacted me to see if I was interested in being a sponsor/link partner for the 24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge.  The 24 Hour FlyingCharity Challenge is a Flight Simulation event benefiting Cancer Research UK.  Of course I agreed to be a sponsor and link partner.  I’ve lost friends and relatives including my Father and Brother to Cancer.  If you have a moment, please lend yourself to this event/cause.  It’s a great opportunity to do what you love which is flying virtually, while raising money for a great charity!
Lindle Romero – Owner/Operator

Information from Ryan on the event is below..
“Afternoon all, UK Virtual will be holding a 24 hour flying challenge on November 14-15th from 7AM to 7AM UTC in aid of Cancer Research.  The aim is to fly none stop for 24 hours on a set schedule.  For all the information visit the following page: , and if you are interested in joining then RSVP to the event here :

This event is open to all pilots and VA’s , if you are part of a VA or own a VA that would be interested, please contact me privately so we can get you on the partnership page and co – ordinate with you.



Announcing the 24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge

How many of you out there know someone who currently has Cancer, or has died of Cancer?  I think most of the population has.  Ryan Boulton-Lear with UKVirtual contacted me to see if I was interested in being a sponsor/link partner for the 24 Hour Flying Charity Challenge.  The 24 Hour FlyingCharity Challenge is a Flight Simulation event benefiting Cancer Research UK.  Of course I agreed to be a sponsor and link partner.  I’ve lost friends and relatives including my Father and Brother to Cancer.  If you have a moment, please lend yourself to this event/cause.  It’s a great opportunity to do what you love which is flying virtually, while raising money for a great charity!
Lindle Romero – Owner/Operator

Information from Ryan on the event is below..
“Afternoon all, UK Virtual will be holding a 24 hour flying challenge on November 14-15th from 7AM to 7AM UTC in aid of Cancer Research.  The aim is to fly none stop for 24 hours on a set schedule.  For all the information visit the following page: , and if you are interested in joining then RSVP to the event here :

This event is open to all pilots and VA’s , if you are part of a VA or own a VA that would be interested, please contact me privately so we can get you on the partnership page and co – ordinate with you.



UKVirtual’s Overhauls Schedule

UKVirtual“UKVirtual is proud to announce a complete schedule overhaul from now till the end of may. UKVirtual currently has thirty three airlines, with over four thousand available real world schedules available for pilots (along with charter mode for un scheduled flights) . The overhaul will see the schedule base double, with new bases for existing airlines along with two new airlines from June, Norwegian Air Shuttle and Turkish Airlines.

To start of the update, UKVirtual is proud to announce two completed airlines available now. American airlines from Miami, with 103 destinations and Air Canada from Calgary, Toronto and Vancouver with 86 destinations. At UKVirtual you have the ability to fly any schedule, any aircraft at any time, the freedom of choice is with the pilot.

For more information or help email ryan : “” , and take a look at what we have to offer at

- Ryan Boulton – Lear”


Introducing UKVirtual Airlines


“We would like to welcome pilots young and old and any location to join a established Virtual Airline based in the United Kingdom. What we have to offer is thirty three airlines with a combined schedule base of over four thousand flights, a charter mode, and limited rules to offer pilots the freedom to fly where they want, when they wan’t and in whichever aircraft they wan’t.

At UKVirtual we have no entrance exam, no monthly flight restrictions or restrictive online rules,  we just encourage members to fly together as a community, attending regular events including Friday night props hops, Dangerous approaches, or Sunday night city hops. These events are mainly held on VATSIM, where we are a registered airline under the callsign “Union” .

With links to UK2000, VATSIM, Vroute, FS2Crew and Aerosoft, UKVirtual has alot more to offer than just a simple flight from A to B, however if you are a pilot looking for that simple flight, then UKVirtual might be the airline for you.

For more information visit the website , or email “” for any queries you may have before joining the community at UKVirtual.


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