

Canadian Xpress® July Fly-In – Isle of Man


The International Isle of Man TT (Tourist Trophy) Race is a motorcycle racing event held on the Isle of Man that was for many years the most prestigious motorcycle race in the world. The event was part of the FIM Motorcycle Grand Prix World Championship during the period 1949–1976 before being transferred to the United Kingdom after safety concerns.

Today the Isle of Man TT fuelled by Monster Energy is the most demanding road race in World. Run on a 37 mile public road course in a time trial format. No other motorcycle race is held on such a challenging track. A Mountain Course with its seemingly never-ending series of bends, bumps, jumps, stone walls, manhole covers and telegraph poles, makes for an exciting race and very deadly as well. Average lap speeds of 130mph+ have been Continue reading


Canadian Xpress May Fly-In – Mount St. Helens


On May 18th, 1980 at 8:32pst, Mount St. Helens after 2 months of increased seismic activity, catastrophically erupted. The eruption triggered an earthquake measuring 5.1 on the Richter scale causing the North face to collapse into the Columbia River basin and reducing the mountain’s summit elevation from 9,677 ft to 8,365 ft.

By 17:30pst that evening after more than 9 hours of a vigorous plume of ash, reaching 16 miles above seas level, the ash column began to decline. On that day 34 years ago this month, Mount St. Helens released 24 megatons of thermal energy, 1.5 tons of sulfur dioxide and 2.8 cubic kilometers of debris. Sadly the event also killed 57 people, and nearly 7000 big game animals from the mountain area.

Canadian Xpress would like to invite all pilots to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress April Fly-In – Concorde


45 years ago, on March 2, 1967 Concorde made its first test flight. It took thousands of hours of testing with 2 prototype models and 7 years to gain type certification of the Concorde.

On April 10th 1976, Air France made its first commercial passenger flight with Concorde. That first flight took passengers from Paris to Rio via the Azores which later changing to Dakar. The stop in the Azores was needed so that Concorde could refuel. The aircraft used an astonishing 2 tons of fuel just to taxi to the runway (2% of its total fuel load) in Paris. Normal operations called for the two inboard engines to be shut down as the aircraft exited the runway after landing, to help save on fuel cost. In 2003 BA and Air France both announced they would stop flying the Concorde after 27 years of service. Lots of reason still float around today as to why it was retired. But truth be told, it was simply due to cost. The Concorde was Continue reading


Introducing – Vatsim Flight Tracking and Statistics Website!

vatstatslogoI just noticed this post on VATSIM’s forums and had to share. – Lindle

On Monday at 1300Z we’ll be opening the beta iteration of a new flight tracking and pilot statistics website,

Current feature list:

  • Current network users
  • Total flights logged per day
  • Flight map
  • Latest arrivals and departures Continue reading

Canadian Xpress February Fly-In – Farewell Sochi

The 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi Russia are into its final days and final preparations for the closing ceremonies are being completed, getting ready to close off another historical event in Olympic history. The flags and well wishes are ready to be passed on to the next host city Pyeongchang South Korea, host of the 2018 winter games.

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots & virtual airlines to join on Saturday, February 22nd at 21h00est (Sunday 02h00z) for our February 2014 fly-in and the final day of the winter games, as we move our fleet from Istanbul (LTBA) to Sochi (URSS).

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to Continue reading


Canadian Xpress January Fly-In Ice Wine Country

After a festive Holiday season, we are kicking off the New Year in a fashionable way at the Niagara Ice Wine Festival. From January 10th to the 26th, an eventful list of activities are underway from the wineries to satisfy the most discriminating palate with great food and of course, the most unique wine the Niagara peninsula has to offer: Ice Wine!

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots & virtual airlines to join on Saturday, January 25th at 21h00est (Sunday 02h00z) for our January 2014 fly-in where we are chartering aircraft for these wine lovers as we will depart from St-Hubert (CYHU) and fly straight to St-Catharines/Niagara District airport (CYSN). Choose your aircraft carefully, as CYSN has a 5000 ft runway. We hope you join us in great numbers for this Continue reading


Canadian Xpress November 2013 Challenge – Paradise Kiwi Style

This month’s challenge and its name, was inspired by a YouTube Video posted by Paul (CXA002) of an A320 crew on approach to Queenstown New Zealand. It will quickly show you why Queenstown is listed on as an airport with a dangerous and difficult approach.

This month, your job is to load up either the Canadian Xpress® Airbus A320-200, Boeing 737-900NG, Boeing 737-300 or the Bombardier CRJ-700 which are available to all Canadian Xpress pilots regardless of rank, but only for the challenge for a domestic hop from Auckland (NZAA) to Queenstown (NZQN). This is a fairly common route so Continue reading


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