
Golden Ghana VA expands European Ops


Major schedule update for Ghana’s first virtual airline

Today, Accra based Golden Ghana VA (ICAO: GOG) has announced a major schedule update. These are the changes:

1. More flights from/to Europe Additionally to the existing destinations London (Heathrow and Gatwick) and Frankfurt, Golden Ghana VA now also serves Amsterdam, Istanbul and Vienna. This decision is based on the excellent VATSIM traffic numbers for these airports.

2. Dubai replaces Riad
Golden Ghana VA is now daily flying from/to Dubai. The hitherto existing Airbus A330 route to Riad has been removed.

3. More Boeing 777 flights
The new destinations Amsterdam, Vienna and Dubai are all served by newly acquired Boeing 777. Main reason is that both for Microsoft Flight Simulator as for X-Plane, there are excellent addons available for this aircraft type which currently seem to be most popular for long range flights. Also the destination Nairobi is now served by a Boeing 777 and not anymore by a Boeing 787.

4. Major schedule clean-up
Routes and aircraft with only little demand by the pilots have been removed, keeping the schedule clean and clear.

About Golden Ghana VA:
Golden Ghana Virtual Airlines is Ghana’s first virtual airline. It was founded Christmas 2011 and currently has 46 pilots. The VA operates scheduled passenger flights as well as cargo charter flights. It is associated with Vatsim Central Africa Division (VATCAF) and supported by the real world Aviation Club Ghana (ACG).

The GOG homepage can be found here:


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