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Caal Airways Virtual

Introducing VirtualEI

VirtualEI has opened for membership. This new VA mirrors the real world Aer Lingus and is run by previous members of Caal Airways which closed 14th May 2017 after 6 years of operations.

There is a small and simple entrance exam to be taken to become a member and your first flight must be completed within 7 days of joining. The member must then complete 1 flight every 30 days.

We have the latest fully responsive modern Crew Center and use the tracking software smartCARS.

VirtualEI will be a fully active VA and its staff will be online every day to help with any queries. We promote flying on VATSIM but it is not compulsory. Our facebook group can be found at

We also have a Teamspeak3 which can be used for joint flights and future events. We still have vacancies for 3 hub managers, a Ops Director and a HR Director. To Continue reading


Caal Airways Launches New Website to Commemorate 5 Years in Service

Caal Airways will be 5 years old this year and to celebrate we have launched a new website. Activity has increased and we have become a very popular VA. We are very relaxed in our rules as we understand real life commitments must come first. All we ask is that you file a flight report every 90 days.

Our hubs are EGAA,EIDW,EGPF,EGGW and KIAH and we have a dedicated staff team to ensure the smooth running of operations.

We are currently 14th on the VA Central list and are steadily climbing higher. We also hope to launch a new livery this year and also hold events on the VATSIM network running up to out 5th birthday in August.

Caal Airways has a bright future ahead and would love to recruit more pilots to experience the fun and relaxing atmosphere of our wonderful VA.

Visit Caal Airways online @


Caal Airways Introduces A Major Expansion


Caal Airways has gone through a major expansion. We now have a Hub in every Continent. Europe has hubs at EGAA, EIDW, EGPF, EGGW and EDDM. N America has a Hub at KIAH. S America has a Hub at SBGL. Asia has Hubs at RJTT, VTBS and ZBAA. Africa/Middle East has a hub at OMDB and last but by no means least Australia YSSY. Each Region has an Ops Manager apart from S America where one will be appointed soon. We hope that this will attract a more world based pilot roster.

We have also introduced a more modern and up to date website and changed the look of our forum. We still are a relaxed airline and as we understand real life has a habit of getting in the way of our beloved hobby, so all we ask is you fly whenever you can. The tour database has been cleared and our OP’s Managers will be introducing some new tours.

We have 3 flight tracking systems. We use IPS for online Vatsim flights which Continue reading




Well it has been a quiet couple of months for Caal airways and things are continuing along smoothly. We recently celebrated our third birthday with a flight on Vatsim which was attended by quite a few members. We also had a number of new pilots join us and they have already posted quite a few flights to the board. The latest issues of our mag can be found at the links below. Please take some time to read these and if you are interested in joining us, then feel free to visit our website and join up. All new pilots are welcome.

September Issue


Caal Airways Monthly Update for August 2014


Another great month for Caal Airways. With 117 flights covering 75,000 miles and over 180 flight hours, a total of 15362 passengers were carried.

Caal also introduced our code-share flights, beginning a new phase in Caalairs history. Our code-share partners are listed on our site.

The Caal Fleet has also been given a fresh new livery. The new colours can be seen in our latest magazine.

5 new pilots joined with us and have been welcomed with open doors.

The staff at Caalair wish to thank all their pilots for their continued support.”

CloverFlight magazine can be found Here:

Caal Airways Monthly Update for July 2014


Caalair has had a fantastic moth for June. With new members joining and getting flights on the board very quickly. Opening on the 1st of July was our new hub as Kingsford Smith International, Sydney(YSSY). Many routes have been added and waiting on the arrival of the new aircraft. Caalair also has a current tour for the World Cup 2014 visiting the venues and watching some games. We welcomed a new Fleet Manager after the position became vacant when our long running former Fleet Manager retired the position to further his other interests. All at Caalair wish him well in the future. Our fleet is currently undergoing a refit and receiving a new paint job. Our new look will be featured in the August issue of Clover Flight.

Our July edition is available for viewing here:

Caal Airways welcomes all new pilots and looks forward to the future. Why not be part of it today.

Visit us at


Caal Airways is Expanding into the Asia-Pacific Region


Caal Airways is an online based virtual airline community of pilots. Caalair is a one of the leading virtual airlines in the European region of the world and we invite you to join our virtual airline. As we are one of the world’s leading virtual airlines, our staff are willing to assist you and to make your virtual airline and flight simulation experience the best possible. We offer our pilots the facilities to communicate with fellow pilots on our TeamSpeak server which is availble when joining. Caalair has a growing online presence on VATSIM. We are a Vatsim Official Training Organization and can trainany pilot wishing to obtain their P1 and P2 Vatsim rating. As Caal Airways Virtual establishes itself within the virtual skies of the flight simulator community, it will be seen that an increasing number of pilots will be proud to fly the “CLOVER” call sign. So don’t delay, join today!. With the ever increasing volume of traffic and a growing pilot base, Caal Airways is proud to announce that it is expanding its flightbase into the Asia-Pacific region with a brand new hub to be opened in Sydney, Australia. It will Continue reading

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