
Eagle Wings Virtual

Eagle Wings Removes Flight Hour Limitation​s

Due to popular demand by our pilots we here at EGW have decided to remove all flight hours restrictions for aircraft types. You can now fly any of our currently available aircraft type, ranging from the ATR 72-500 and Fokker 70 to the MD-11, Boeing 747-400, Airbus 340-300 and others to any of our worldwide destinations.  All flight hours will still be counted toward pilot ranks.

From now on the whole world is your playground. So what are you waiting for?

Visit us at and feel free to roam around our Continue reading


Eagle Wings Spreads its Wings

We are glad to inform you that after some grounded time Eagle Wings is soaring through the skies again.

Eagle Wings is a premier virtual airline operating mostly on the European airline market with flight spanning the entire globe. Currently, we serve more than 50 destinations worldwide and are currently in the proces of updating and tweaking our schedule so we can provide pilots with a more realistic flight network from our hub in Zagreb (LDZA, Croatia) utilising a modern and diverse fleet ranging from turboprops to intercontinental jets. Our pilots operate using the IVAO network and take advantage of our superior ACARS system that provide the ultimate experience in Flight Simulation. Continue reading


Eagle Wings Looking to Fill 2 Staff Positions

The positions available are Assistant Hub Manager North America & Assistant Hub Manager Northern & Western Europe.

If you’re interested, they would like to welcome you to their team. Please ensure, that you fulfill the following criteria:

  • You are at least 16 years old
  • You’re fluent and proficient in English
  • You’re able to work in a team
  • You have creative ideas
  • You own a valid e-mail-address
  • You have ability to comunicate over skype
  • A few free hours avaliable for meetings
  • Previous VA management experience is an advantage

Your duties: Continue reading


Eagle Wings Announces Hub Opening at Chicago O’Hare International Airport – KORD

Eagle Wings is pleased to announce the opening of our new hub at Chicago O’Hare International Airport(KORD). 

The expansion is a result of market research and pilot needs. This new facility will help us meet the growing demand of for flights to the Americas and as a  gateways for flight to Australia. Planes have already been leased and are ferried to our new facility. 

With this expansion our premier virtual airline continues to rapidly expand and now operates on the European and American airline market with flight spanning the entire globe. Continue reading


Eagle Wings Virtual Seeks Pilots

Eagle Wings is pleased to offer interested pilots a position at EGW.

We trust that your knowledge, skills and experience will be among our most valuable assets.

We are a premier virtual airline operating mostly on the European airline market with flight spanning the entire globe. Currently, we serve more than 100 destinations worldwide from our hub in Zagreb (LDZA, Croatia) and London (EGLL, UK) with a modern and diverse fleet ranging from turboprops to intercontinental jets. Our dedicated team is a group of flexible, innovative, and professional individuals dedicated to the Eagle Wings vision. Continue reading


Eagle Wings Virtual Optimizes Operations

Following the recent economic downfall and a period of negative growth for Eagle Wings a decision has been made to optimize and consolidate our operations.

The first step in this process is the implementation of a minimum flight rule. Affective 01.10.2009. all Eagle Wings pilots will be obligated to fly at least ONE flight using VAFS in a period of 60 days. Continue reading


Eagle Wings Virtual Spots Late December Launch

Virtual airline newcomer, Eagle Wings Virtual ( is looking for a late December 2008 launch for its proposed passenger service serving the Eastern European market. Under development since Fall 2008, Eagle Wings Virtual is looking to join the ever-changing landscape of the virtual airline marketplace. Their goal is to differentiate their airline from other virtual airlines by providing their pilots the opportunity to grow as the airline grows.

Eagle Wings C.E.O. Ivan Ozvatic shared details about the new organization saying, “current plans call for a hub in Zagreb, [Croatia] (LDZA) with a fleet of turboprops, medium and large jets in passenger configuration.” He went on to say, “our ultimate goal here at Eagle Wings Virtual Airline is to provide the pilot with an organized, fun, and professional atmosphere where they can truly enjoy the pleasure of being an airline pilot in a growing community.” Continue reading


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