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EuroHarmony VA Announces DC-3 Event Across Southeast Asia

EuroHarmony VA presents our latest ProPilot Event – “Tropical Traders”! Starting on 21st December in Singapore, the Event consists of 22 flights using the venerable DC-3 to follow ancient and modern trade routes across the dramatic landscapes and beautiful shorelines of Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and on to New Zealand. Visiting short island airstrips as well as international airports in a region known for challenging weather, this Event promises drama and excitement in the most popular of old aircraft! Our unique ProPilot flight recording and assessment system means that our Gooney Bird pilots need to fly skilfully too so if you’d like to add an exotic challenge to your Continue reading


Canadian Xpress December Fly-In: White Christmas

Every year at this time, we always ask the same question for the Holidays: Will we have a white Christmas? Well here at Canadian Xpress® we can provide snow, wind, fog and everything else!

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our December fly-in on Saturday, December 15th at 21h00est (02h00z) where we depart from Bellingham Washington (KBLI), we will head north to Ketchikan Alaska (PAKT) for a spectacular approach in probable heavy Continue reading


GOAIRUK’s Announces November Event!

Every month GoAirUK has a monthly event, and this month we have a tour round the caribbean.

Everyone is welcome, not just GoAir pilots, to our private FSINN network, Go-Connect.

So feel free to join in. We will allow any Airlines or Pilots to join and become affiliated for Go-Connect.

To get involved you can do either of the following!

1) Join our TeamSpeak 3 server, the address it

2) Sign up for Go-Connect’s website!

We hope to see you in the skies!


Canadian Xpress October 2012 Challenge: Instrument Flight Rules

This month’s challenge is to forget the FMC, forget looking out the window (other than to enjoy the scenery) and close the GPS and navigate via your aircraft’s instruments by dialing up a VOR and set course towards it & track NDBs. Your welcome to hand fly or use the autopilot to track the radios, but the challenge here is to manually set the radios. Don’t let the GPS or flight planning software run the show.

Starting at Daytona Beach (KDAB), you will navigate down the east coast of Florida making your way to in to the Key’s and landing at Key West (KEYW). Along the way you’ll pass over Kennedy Space Centre and the famous, Hwy 1 Oversea Continue reading


Canadian Xpress October Fly-In: Saint Maarten

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us for our October fly-in on Saturday, October 13th at 21h00edt (01h00z) where we will fly to Saint Maarten which is well renowned for its plane spotting.

Departing from Miami (KMIA), we will fly Princess Juliana International (TNCM), for a visual approach to famous runway 10 over Maho beach!

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the Continue reading


Platinum Airways Visits Extreme Runways

Platinum Airways, the very virtual Open Skies airline, has revealed its September Destination of the Week theme. Extreme Runways will visit the world’s shortest and longest runways that have scheduled and non-scheduled service. Extreme Runways is bound to be an extremely challenging series.

Extreme Runways will offer exactly what it says: the world’s longest and shortest runways with and without scheduled service. The series will kick off with the shortest commercial airport: Saba (TNCS), with a length of 1,299 ft and its extremely challenging approach. Next up is the longest non-commercial airport: Edwards Air Force Base’s extended RWY 17/35, with a length of 39,907 ft, although only 15,000 ft is paved – the rest is on a dry lake bed. From there we’ll visit the shortest runway altogether: according to our research, it is 0WN5 or Potts Field in North Cape, Wisconsin, with its 150 ft turf surface runway. And we end the series with the longest runway with scheduled service: Qamdo Bamda (ZUBD) in Tibet, with a length of 18,045 ft and elevation of 14,219 ft or 4,334 m. ZUBD is extremely challenging, with the thin air at that elevation.

As per Platinum Airways DOTW routine, pilots will be offered navigational charts. In addition, links to scenery files (FS9, FSX and X-Plane) and other aids are provided. And when applicable, Platinum Airways usually succeeds in negotiating favourable conditions for its members for the specific destination’s duration. Pilots visiting a current DOTW are rewarded with a 5% bonus. Past DOTW’s remain available to pilots through an archive system. Continue reading


Caal Airways Celebrates 1st Birthday with VATSIM Event

To mark the 1st birthday of Caal Airways we will fly from Gatwick-Glasgow-Aldergrove on Vatsim.The schedules that need to be used are NIR1001 and NIR1011. Pilots that do not fly online can also join in using our teamspeak server. The event will take place on the 17/08/12 starting at 1800 local Uk Time. I would encourage as many pilots to attend to celebrate our first year of operations. If enough interest is shown I will be able to request full ATC for us. Please sign up for the event in the Events Section under the Resources Tab and book your slot. Hope to see you all there and maybe bring a friend also. This event will also be advertised on Vatsim and Vroute. Any aircraft may be used. Lets hear the CLOVER callsign echo around Continue reading


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