

GoAirUK: Enjoy the Company of New Affiliates.


 GoAirUK welcomes new virtual airlines to share and use there Fly-GoConnect server. GoAirUK has there own Multiplayer server that uses the same software as VATSIM n which FSCopilot and FSinn are used to connect to there server.
There are currently four virtual airlines that have registered to Fly-GoConnect and they are as follows. Sky Express, Phoenix Air, British Blue Virtual and DHL Virtual Cargo.

Following requirements to submit an airline are:  Continue reading


GoAirUK Introduces GoAirUk Tours and also Reaches #27 on

GoAirUK introduces GoAirUk Tours
GoAirUK has introduced a new system in GoAirUK Tours and has received a very good response from pilots registering
to fly the different tours available. All pilot that are registered with GoAirUK can contribute by entering their suggestions on
the GoAirUK forum. Current there are over twenty tours available to choose from.

GoAirUK reaches VaCentral rank 27th
GoAirUK recently achieved rank twenty-seventh and looking forward to achieving rank twenty-sixth. As the GoAirUK Tours
become ever more popular, the frequency of pireps being filed have increased and the league is moving around at pace.

Visit GoAirUK online @


GoAirUK ATC School

The school was established in conjunction with the Flight School to provide a more realistic environment when pilots are working towards their VATSIM rating.

The ATC school offers a rating system to encourage you to expand your knowledge and progress to the higher stations.

We offer one to one training when time permits, and those who feel they already meet the criteria for a rating may write to the ATC training school via the forum and request that the rating is Continue reading


GOAIRUK’s Announces November Event!

Every month GoAirUK has a monthly event, and this month we have a tour round the caribbean.

Everyone is welcome, not just GoAir pilots, to our private FSINN network, Go-Connect.

So feel free to join in. We will allow any Airlines or Pilots to join and become affiliated for Go-Connect.

To get involved you can do either of the following!

1) Join our TeamSpeak 3 server, the address it

2) Sign up for Go-Connect’s website!

We hope to see you in the skies!


Announcing GoAirUK!

Running for 10 years and still going strong, a VATSIM Registered airline and always recruiting pilots whatever their skill. As well as featuring their own FSINN network, Go-Connect (, this Network is open to any active airlines so feel free to sign up! The airline has become a friendly community and a strong airline and after being one of the first airline to use the VAFS1 2 & 3 systems, and after 4 years using FSAirlines and topping the league for most of that time, GoAir have felt it is time for a change, we have now moved to a new system phpvms, This system will drive the airline forward and we will strive to top this system. Visit us at for more information, or join our TeamSpeak 3 server, the address is See you in the skies!

The GoAirUK Team
“its not just a game”


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