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New ATA Opens – In Need of Pilots and Staff

We have brought ATA back from the dead and are fully set up through vafinancials.  We are accepting pilot applications and are in need of a hub manager for dallas/ft worth. Also if there is anyone with painting experience we need a couple planes painted with the newest livery from ATA. We try to stick to the real life fleet that their once was, but considering this is a ressurection we would like to grow with our fleet and hubs.  I’m talking (default fsx) 747′s and crj 700′s.  Our main hubs as of now are Chicago(KORD), Indianapolis(KIND), and Dallas/Fort Worth(KDFW).  We are still getting our feet wet in the business, but have the drive and love for the skies.  Hope to see some newcomers in the near future!

Check us out at

Josh Waller- CEO of American Trans Air Virtual Airlines


Coastal Horizons Virtual Airways Opens

Las Vegas, NV- Coastal Horizons Virtual Airways (CHZ) has just launched as of February 20th and is currently accepting applications in preparation for its domestic and soon-to-be international flying. Pilots with experience on the Airbus A320-series aircraft and the Boeing 757 are desired, however pilots of all experience levels are warmly welcomed. Aviation enthusiasts from all ends of the spectrum and invited to become a part of CHZ and help us grow.

CHZ is currently looking for ambitious and qualified individuals to fill several key roles within the airline. Current flight and operational staff positions include:

  • Flight Crew – Virtual pilots with experience on the Airbus A320 series of aircraft and the Boeing 757. There is no hour requirement or prerequisite for flying with Coastal Horizons, and pilots of all experience levels are welcome. We will transfer 90% of previous VA hours, with the 10% reduction representing retraining and familiarization hours. Continue reading

Simulated United now open!

Mike Mosteller II, the new CEO of Simulated United has sent an email to let us know that they’re opened for business!  He states in his email “We have started up Simulated United, a virtual airline that contains ALL of United Airline’s actual routes including the Star Alliance, and includes the entire United Airlines fleet.  We are currently open and accepting applications for pilots all the way up to and including one executive opening.  Hub manager positions are also open.  We use the VAFinancials VCAS system and encourage VATSIM but it isn’t a requirement.  All pilots must be 13 years of age or older.”

They can be found on the web at:

Tell them VAFLASH.COM sent ya!


Virtual ValuJet Begins Operations

Virtual ValuJet Airlines has begun operations as of December 1st, 2009.
They are actively hiring new pilots for their three crew bases in Atlanta,
Boston, and Charlotte.

Feel free to check them out and apply today!



La France Takes Off

La France French Airlines will started its operations 30 March. The initial flight left Paris Charles de Gaulle 06:00 CET.

“This is the first step towards a new era in french aviation,” says Joakim Holmström Zenk, CEO la France French Airlines.

La France operates a fleet of 2 Airbus A319 and 2 Boeing 717 to Lisbon, Stockholm, Munich, Vienna and Friedrichshafen.

The website is located at:


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