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Flock-Air Celebrates 4th Birthday – “Lets Flock home!”

In few weeks on the 10th of May 2012 Flock-Air turns 4 years in Operation. That’s a magic big date for our Crew, that almost
flew daily the last years hours long for us our clients and partners.

We want to celebrate this Event in the way that Ive informed my Vice-presidents and Pilots, that Id like to see our whole fleet @LOWW Vienna, Austria our Homeairport.

This sounds maybe not that challenging, but if you think of the big range and numbers of Aircrafts our fleets got due to our expansion we had in the last years, it gets easily a very tricky adventure.

We have currently have 170 Aircrafts owned, based all over the world organized in the following Fleets:

  • FlightSchool
  • PAX Division
  • Cargo Division
  • Executive Division
  • Helicopter Division
  • Regional Division
  • Oldtimer/Props Division

and so you might see that it could be tricky to get our 12 Helis from Ireland or our 16 Continue reading


Canadian Xpress March Fly-In: Return of the Snowbirds

A Snowbird is a term used to describe Canadian citizens who enjoy spending the winter months of the year in warmer climates. It is well known fact that a great contingency of Canadian citizens migrate to Florida in the winter months and when they first arrive are usually pale, this why they are called Snowbirds.

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday March 17th, 2012 at 09h00est (14h00z) for our March 2012 Fly-In where we will transport the Snowbirds back up home.

Departing from the Sarasota Bradenton International (KSRQ), we will bring back our passengers to Toronto Pearson International (CYYZ).

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the Continue reading


Canadian Xpress February Fly-In: Venice Carnival & the Dolomites

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday February 18th, 2012 at 20h30est (01h30z) for our February Monthly Fly-In where we will fly from Italy direct to Venice over the most famous Italian cities; Naples, Rome and Florence.

Departing from Palermo (LICJ) in Sicily, we will fly to Venice Marco Polo International (LIPZ) for the Venice Carnival. We will then take a gondola and cross the Canal Grande to Venice S. Nicolò (LIPV) where we will depart and fly over the Dolomites to Bolzano (LIPB), a nice town in South Tirol.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Canadian Xpress® sponsored event that will be flown on the VATSIM network.

More information Continue reading


VATSIM EVENT: ZOB & ZDC Present Regional Crossfire!

Heavy traffic between Pittsburgh and Washington.

Join ZOB and ZDC as they host the Regional Crossfire event on January 13  from 2300Z to 0300Z.

Regional airlines are full of fierce competition to provide the most miles at the lowest cost to it’s passengers and now they’re looking for you to help! The event will feature the Pittsburgh International and Washington Reagan airports, two of the more prominent regional airports in the area.

All aircraft are welcome to fly in, but it is encouraged that you fly between the two. We’ll see you Continue reading


Canadian Xpress January Fly-In: In Memory of Pappy Boyington

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Saturday January 21st, 2012 at 19h00est (24h00z) for our January Monthly Fly-In where it is time to dust off your favorite piston pounder as this month we go back to January 1944 and fly the route of Major Greg ‘Pappy’ Boyington’s Marine Squadron VMF214 over Rabaul. This where he shot down his 26th enemy plane, and later was himself shot down.

As Vella la Vella which is the home base of the Blacksheep does not exist in Flight Simulator, we will be departing from the next closest island Gizo (AGGN) and fly over Bougainville Island and land at Buka (AYBK) and then continue on north east flying the airport of Tokua to the north side of the bay and the city of Rabaul, where Pappy was shot down. We will then turn back and end our journey at Tokua (AYTK).

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what your flying experience to attend this Continue reading


Phoenix Virtual Airways Home for the Holidays Event

NEW YORK, New York – Phoenix Virtual Airways (PVA) will be allowing all pilots to fly any of the 1,311 aircraft in the fleet from 17 December through 24 December so as many pilots as possible can get “home” for the holidays. For PVA pilots, home is one of the five crew centers located in the United States and Europe. This event also serves as an open house for new pilots to try out everything PVA has to offer without any restrictions on what aircraft can be flown.

“Typically we have some restrictions on the aircraft a pilot can fly depending on their rank,” commented Joe Espino, Executive Vice President and Chief Pilot. “Events like this allow everyone to stretch the legs a bit and try out larger aircraft.”

“We try to lift the restrictions on a semi-regular basis, but keep them most of Continue reading


Canadian Xpress December Fly-In: Gateway to the Arctic

Canadian Xpress® would like to invite all pilots to join us on Sunday December 18th, 2011 at 20h00est (01h00z) for our December Monthly Fly-In where we will fly in Northern Ontario and up to Moosonee, the Gateway to the Arctic.

Departing from Sudbury (CYSB), we will fly north to Moosonee (CYMO). Aircraft such as the PC12, B190, AT72, JS31, JS41, etc. are ideal for this flight.

This is an open invitation to all pilots no matter what Continue reading


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