

Golden Ghana Virtual Airlines Celebrates it’s First Birthday / Special Schedule and Birthday Livery Released!

Today, Golden Ghana VA released a special schedule to celebrate it’s first birthday. The new timetable features seven cities between Accra/Ghana and Yaounde/Cameroon. Seen from above, the flights between these cities will draw a big “G” on the map of Western Africa.

To get an idea about the new routes, you might like to visit

The flights will be performed with two additional aircraft in the GOG fleet: In the morning at 0600 UTC, a Boeing 737-800 departs at Accra to the East, while at the same time a Bombardier Canadair CRJ200 starts from Yaounde to the West. In the evening, both aircraft will return to their origin.

Both aircraft are painted in a new GOG Birthday livery created by Mr. Ingo Patzke. This livery is available for addons to Flight Simulator 9, Flight Simulator X and X-Plane. The screenshot shows the EADT x737 for X-Plane at the airport of Accra.
About Golden Ghana Virtual Airlines:

Golden Ghana Virtual Airlines is Ghana’s first virtual airline. It was founded Continue reading


Caal Airways Celebrates 1st Birthday with VATSIM Event

To mark the 1st birthday of Caal Airways we will fly from Gatwick-Glasgow-Aldergrove on Vatsim.The schedules that need to be used are NIR1001 and NIR1011. Pilots that do not fly online can also join in using our teamspeak server. The event will take place on the 17/08/12 starting at 1800 local Uk Time. I would encourage as many pilots to attend to celebrate our first year of operations. If enough interest is shown I will be able to request full ATC for us. Please sign up for the event in the Events Section under the Resources Tab and book your slot. Hope to see you all there and maybe bring a friend also. This event will also be advertised on Vatsim and Vroute. Any aircraft may be used. Lets hear the CLOVER callsign echo around Continue reading


Kesuk Charters Celebrates Three Years of Bush Flying!

Fairbanks, AK-Three years ago a start up cargo and passenger charter company sprung up out of what beautiful wilderness of Alaska. In the past three years we have watched Kesuk Charters develop into one of the most economically viable companies in Alaska. When we caught up with owner, Roger Bates, at Fairbanks International yesterday he was quoted as saying, “I never in my wildest dreams believed Kesuk would have grown and become as successful and diverse as it has today, three years wow!”

In the past three years Kesuk has serviced the many rural areas that exist in our beautiful state with the highest safety and business rating. Mr. Bates attributes this to the professionalism and attentiveness of all his employees. In the last three years, Kesuk has evolved from a small company to a company that keeps the rural small community economies stable or growing.

Although this is a great day for Kesuk to celebrate its glorious past, Mr. Bates, makes it a clear point that the future is bright for Kesuk because of that celebrated past. Kesuk. “I feel our brightest days are the days coming in the future” said Mr. Bates. When asked to elaborate, he left the future open to anything, because that’s the founding ideal behind Kesuk.

If you’re looking for a different and challenging VA experience, Kesuk may be for you. Kesuk’s pilots are held accountable for fuel, researching flights and finances as they would be in the real world, this is why Kesuk isn’t for everyone. With that being said Kesuk is also all about fun, how many VA’s can say they have charters that require a pilot to land on the road? We can! And it’s legal in Alaska! Come check us out! Whether you have a main VA or not; Kesuk is great as a main or a secondary VA to escape the heavies for a return simpler yet challenging flying in the beautiful backdrop that is Alaska!

Visit Kesuk Virtual online at: .  Tell them VAFlash sent you!


Sky Blue Radio Turns Five!

Sky Blue Radio is blowing out the candles for the big five! Five years ago, May 13th, Sky Blue Radio took to the internet airwaves beginning a tradition of excellence in flight simulation news and entertainment.

As a big thank you to our listeners Sky Blue Radio is going to party, party and burn it to the ground with wall to wall DJ’s all weekend long starting May 11th, 2012. And it wouldn’t be a Birthday Party unless we had presents! Gifts for our Sky Blue Radio listeners; as a thank you for tuning in for five years. Generous contributions from Sign Zeppelin, Flight1, vRoute, Captain Sim, Blue Print Simulations, FS Add ons, Aerosoft, PilotEdge, Wilco Publishing, Flightsim Labs, Go Flight, and Computer Pilot.

Tune into Sky Blue Radio all this week to listen for and identify the first tune aired on Sky Blue Radio those five years ago. Send the title, the artist along with your name, address, email and any other contact information to You could win a fabulous gift courtesy of Sky Blue Radio.

Sky Blue Radio broadcasts 24/7 around the world. Listeners can tune in to Sky Blue Radio by accessing our web site at Listeners may also tune in via their com 2 radios on 123.45 with our Wee Tune Beastie application available for download on our web site. We are now available via Black Berry or iPhone through; Android listeners can access Sky Blue Radio by downloading Retro Radio, then search for Sky Blue Radio.


vStrategic Air Mobility Command Celebrates 3 Years of Operations

Virtual SAC will celebrate its third anniversary on April 10th. Recently we merged two sites, Virtual Air Mobility Command & Virtual Strategic Air Command to form our present program. Originally it was our intent to let these programs stand alone until we wound up bouncing between to sites with a structural differences that created a lot of confusion.

So we returned to out roots as a cargo VA wrapped in Air Force skins.”Trash Haulers” if it fits in the doors, we haul it anywhere in the world. There is no heavy structure or restrictions to what and where you fly as we allow you the pilot in our basic mode to create his/hers own routes.

Opportunities not only in rank progression, but ribbons, medals, badges and bonus hours. You can fly as lite as the L19 through the C-17, not to mention the F-14, 16 and a host of other Air National Guard assets. Its about having fun. Its all about flying. No standing at attention or saluting. So stop by take a look around, we left all the tabs open to the public.

General David Zaleski
Chairman to the Joints Chiefs


Flock-Air Celebrates 4th Birthday – “Lets Flock home!”

In few weeks on the 10th of May 2012 Flock-Air turns 4 years in Operation. That’s a magic big date for our Crew, that almost
flew daily the last years hours long for us our clients and partners.

We want to celebrate this Event in the way that Ive informed my Vice-presidents and Pilots, that Id like to see our whole fleet @LOWW Vienna, Austria our Homeairport.

This sounds maybe not that challenging, but if you think of the big range and numbers of Aircrafts our fleets got due to our expansion we had in the last years, it gets easily a very tricky adventure.

We have currently have 170 Aircrafts owned, based all over the world organized in the following Fleets:

  • FlightSchool
  • PAX Division
  • Cargo Division
  • Executive Division
  • Helicopter Division
  • Regional Division
  • Oldtimer/Props Division

and so you might see that it could be tricky to get our 12 Helis from Ireland or our 16 Continue reading


freshJet Celebrates One Year of Operations

On February 25th 2011, Harris Brandon pulled back on the sidestick as his
Airbus A320, G-FRSX, rotated off of Glasgow Airport’s runway with 153 passengers on board bound for Belfast. One year later, we have successfully operated over 450 flights, reached 1000 hours and carried nearly 70,000 passengers across a total distance of over 300,000 miles. We would like to congratulate all the crew at freshJet on this excellent achievement.

“It’s been an exciting 12 months and I’d like to say a big thank you to all the freshJet pilots who put in the time and effort to make us who we are today. I’d like to thank all of the staff members who made it all happen, and who also had the time to put in the hours to contribute to the airline and I hope we can keep up the efforts to keep us going in the future.”

Iain Robb, CEO.


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