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Canadian Xpress – Bush Pilots Wanted for Bush Pilot Sunday!


Canadian Xpress Bush League Sunday is our weekly informal bush flying event that takes place on the VATSIM network every Sunday night at 20h00est (Monday 01h00z) where we fly to different area each week for some off strip takeoffs and landings.

You will discover that bush flying is a lot of fun, the scenery is spectacular and the takeoffs and landings are always a challenge.

Sign up as a pilot with Canadian Xpress today by visiting, choose your favorite Canadian Xpress bush-whacker and join us on our TeamSpeak3 Server for a lot of fun!

Canadian Xpress Virtual Continue reading



This summer EuroHarmony VA has added a new element to our WILD bush flying division – water! Our new Twin Otter floatplane equips aspiring bush pilots to explore stunning scenery without needing a base on land at all! These new routes have extended the WILD Division network from our bush flying base in Castlegar, British Columbia all the way into Alaska’s breathtaking panhandle region. We also provide a Bush Pilot’s Manual to help newbies learn how this style of flying differs from scheduled airline operations and with plenty of guidance & links to develop your skills. So if you’d like to expand your sim flying horizons this summer, why not visit and go WILD?

EuroHarmony VA is an eleven year old friendly and relaxed virtual airline where we believe choices and fun are more important than strict rules. We offer pilots scheduled airline ops, three specialist Divisions, a bush flying arm, global sightseeing tours, challenging Missions with a huge choice of planes and our own flight logging software and unique ProPilot flight feedback system.

Visit EuroHarmony VA online at:


Kesuk Charters Celebrates Three Years of Bush Flying!

Fairbanks, AK-Three years ago a start up cargo and passenger charter company sprung up out of what beautiful wilderness of Alaska. In the past three years we have watched Kesuk Charters develop into one of the most economically viable companies in Alaska. When we caught up with owner, Roger Bates, at Fairbanks International yesterday he was quoted as saying, “I never in my wildest dreams believed Kesuk would have grown and become as successful and diverse as it has today, three years wow!”

In the past three years Kesuk has serviced the many rural areas that exist in our beautiful state with the highest safety and business rating. Mr. Bates attributes this to the professionalism and attentiveness of all his employees. In the last three years, Kesuk has evolved from a small company to a company that keeps the rural small community economies stable or growing.

Although this is a great day for Kesuk to celebrate its glorious past, Mr. Bates, makes it a clear point that the future is bright for Kesuk because of that celebrated past. Kesuk. “I feel our brightest days are the days coming in the future” said Mr. Bates. When asked to elaborate, he left the future open to anything, because that’s the founding ideal behind Kesuk.

If you’re looking for a different and challenging VA experience, Kesuk may be for you. Kesuk’s pilots are held accountable for fuel, researching flights and finances as they would be in the real world, this is why Kesuk isn’t for everyone. With that being said Kesuk is also all about fun, how many VA’s can say they have charters that require a pilot to land on the road? We can! And it’s legal in Alaska! Come check us out! Whether you have a main VA or not; Kesuk is great as a main or a secondary VA to escape the heavies for a return simpler yet challenging flying in the beautiful backdrop that is Alaska!

Visit Kesuk Virtual online at: .  Tell them VAFlash sent you!


Kesuk Charters Hiring Bush Flying Adventure Seekers

Enjoy bush flying?    With the recent success of the Discovery channel’s hit series “Flying Wild Alaska”, and NatGeo’s popular “Alaskan Wing Men” series; bush flying appears to be gaining popularity in the flight simulation community.  The simple fact is Kesuk Charters has been doing it for two years.  Roger Bates started this project with the idea of taking a break from the big jets, and exploring the virtual world of Alaska in search of challenging flights.  Kesuk has an “on demand” charter system where pilots may request a charter never knowing where they will end up next till they get the assignment.  You could be taking fuel to a mine, delivering marine parts, taking scientists to a reserve, dropping off hunters, or delivering food, aircraft parts or mail.  They also have a realistic financial system in which they track everything from fuel, de-icing fluid to office supplies.  If you’re looking for a different way to challenge your skills stop by and check them out!!

Check out Kesuk Charters at:


Alaska Adventures Seeks Pilots

Alaska Adventures is looking for some pilots who are looking to take on the Alaskian frontier, and is not afraid of a challenge. Alaska Adventures is a well established Virtual Airline. Beginning in the fall of 2007, Alaska Adventure is one of top Bush Virtual Airlines.

We operate Passenger, Cargo, Charter flights, and Heli drops. We run Alaska Adventures with some of the best planes out there. We also provide a few jet services with the CRJ200 & CRJ700. Alaska Adventures is based in Lake Hood, Alaska with hubs in Fairbanks, Juneau, Sitka, and Dutch Harbor.

Alaska Adventures offers our pilots our own Continue reading


St Paul Airlines new Special Operations Dept.

St Paul Airlines has developed a new Special Operations department beside its regular operations – commercial flights from two hubs in USA with more than 1600 flights on schedule.

This new section offers Charter flights connected with real events Worldwide, Angel flights and a second to none Bush and VFR Operations Division.
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Eagle Valley Air Established New Hubs

In recent weeks Eagle Valley Air has opened new hubs in Nepal, New Guinea, Norway, Polynesia and Argentina, providing some of the most challenging and exciting bush flying opportunities in the world. The addition of these new hubs expands the airline’s coverage of the bush flying world with its hubs already established in the Pacific Northwest and the Caribbean. Continue reading


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